Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mastering Google Dorking: A Beginner’s Guide to Finding Hidden Information + Video Tutorial

Google Dorking is a technique used to find information that is publicly available but not easily accessible through a regular Google search. This technique involves the use of special search operators provided by Google. The following is the Google Dork cheat sheet and its explanation:

Basic Google Dork

  1. site :
    – Used to search for content on a specific domain or website.
    – Example:
  2. intitle :
    – Search for pages that have certain words in the title.
    – Example: intitle:”login”
  3. allintitle :
    – Search for pages that have all the words mentioned in their title
    – Example: allintitle:”admin login”
  4. inurl :
    – Search for pages that have certain words in their URL.
    – Example: inurl:admin
  5. allinurl :
    – Search for pages that have all the words mentioned in their URL.
    – Example: allinurl:login.php
  6. filetype :
    – Search for files of a certain type.
    – Example: filetype:pdf
  7. ext :
    – Search for pages or files with certain extensions.
    – Example: ext:doc
  8. link :
    – Search for pages that have a link to a specific URL.
    – Example:
  9. cache :
    – View a cached version of a web page.
    – Example:
  10. related :
    – Search for pages similar to a specific URL/
    – Example:

Combination and Application

  1. Login Pages
    – intitle:”login” “password”
    – inurl:login
  2. Sensitive Directories
    – intitle:index.of
    – inurl:admin
  3. Error Messages
    – intext:”Error 404″
    – intext:”Warning: * failed”
  4. Sensitive Data
    – filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls”
    – filetype:sql inurl:sql
  5. Specific Filetypes
    – filetype:pdf “confidential”
    – filetype:doc “report”

Specific Examples

  1. Search for PDF files related to financial reports on government sites: filetype:pdf “financial report”
  2. Looking for admin login page:
    – intitle:”admin login”
    – inurl:adminlogin
  3. Search for contact information in spreadsheet format:
    – filetype:xls inurl:”contacts”
  4. Search for open directories on the web server:
    – intitle:index.of “parent directory”

For other specific examples, kekasi friends, you can see here

Security and Ethics

Use of Google Dorking must be done responsibly. Here are some ethical guidelines:

  1. Do not use this technique for illegal or destructive purposes.
  2. Always permit or notify the owner of the site before exploring or using the information found.
  3. Use it for useful purposes such as security research or vulnerability testing of your own site.

Google Dorking can be a very powerful tool in the right hands and used in an ethical way. Always prioritize security and privacy when using this technique

Video tutorials

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